DEI: Divide et Impera – Candy Boost Pack (LMS Exclusive)


411 in stock

Have you ever heard the expression, “Never take candy from a baby”?
In the Candy Boost pack, you will find:

12 New Market cards: 3 new and exclusive Market cards for each of the four Markets in the Core Game to increase the variety of your games!
12 Leader Rings: miniatures of D.E.I. faction Leaders can be placed in these semi-transparent plastic rings to easily identify them on the game map!
10 Faction Reference Sheets: these handy sheets contain the rules of every available Faction. They will be very useful for keeping the rules of the faction you are playing at hand at all times without the need to consult the rulebooks.

Have you ever heard the expression, "Never take candy from a baby"?
In the Candy Boost pack, you will find:

- 12 New Market cards: 3 new and exclusive Market cards for each of the four Markets in the Core Game to increase the variety of your games!
- 12 Leader Rings: miniatures of D.E.I. faction Leaders can be placed in these semi-transparent plastic rings to easily identify them on the game map!
- 10 Faction Reference Sheets: these handy sheets contain the rules of every available Faction. They will be very useful for keeping the rules of the faction you are playing at hand at all times without the need to consult the rulebooks.

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