DEI: Divide et Impera – Custom Mini Sleeve (100) (LMS Exclusive)
100 Custom high-quality customized mini card sleeves (45×68 mm) to protect all Market and Faction mini-cards in the D.E.I. Divide et Impera core game.
If you want to protect the Market and Faction cards of the Core Game PLUS all other D.E.I. expansions, you need 2 (two) of these packs.
100 Custom high-quality customized mini card sleeves (45x68 mm) to protect all Market and Faction mini-cards in the D.E.I. Divide et Impera core game.
If you want to protect the Market and Faction cards of the Core Game PLUS all other D.E.I. expansions, you need 2 (two) of these packs.