Dungeonology: Leonardo’s Workshop ITA-FRA-GER
A unique opportunity is about to be offered to some promising Scholars of the University of Rocca Civetta. The greatest inventor in the world, Leonardo Da Vinci, known for his extraordinary skills in all the arts and sciences, will offer an internship to the most deserving Scholars of the university, inviting them to spend time with him in his spectacular workshop.
But the gruff old genius won’t make life easy for our Scholars! In fact, he likes to put practice before theory, and has prepared a series of terrifying exams which will give participants lots of new knowledge, but – most likely – with lots of broken noses!
So, prepare your Scholars and your notebooks, because you will need to be motivated and focused to earn the training credits offered by the workshop of Leonardo!
Welcome to the University of Rocca Civetta, where a vacant chair must be filled.
In Dungeonology, you leave as students for the dungeon, with the aim of studying its residents. In this atypical Dungeon Crawler, you will not have to free the area from hordes of monsters, collecting treasures and magical weapons, but you will have to study the habits of those who live there, in order to submit your the thesis and become the new Dungeonology Professor.
Thanks to a fun card system you can go around the dungeon by pulling low blows on other Scholars while gathering valuable information.
With Leonardo’s Workshop expansion, you will be able to study in the laboratory of the genius Florentine, juggling between strange inventions and dangerous machinery. The dungeon, consisting of Leonardo’s house/workshop could only mirror his genius, as well as Mechalisa, a fantastical and delusional beautiful automaton.
Un’occasione irripetibile sta per essere data ad alcuni promettenti studenti dell’università di Rocca Civetta. Il più grande inventore del mondo, Leonardo Da Vinci, noto per le sue competenze straordinarie in tutte le arti e scienze, terrà uno stage formativo per i più meritevoli studenti dell’università, invitandoli a passare del tempo con lui nella sua spettacolare officina. Ma il vecchio e burbero genio non renderà la vita facile ai nostri studenti; egli infatti ama anteporre la pratica alla teoria, e ha preparato una serie di terrificanti esami dai quali i partecipanti usciranno con tante nuove conoscenze, e, probabilemente, con tante ossa rotte! Preparate quindi le vostre matricole e i quaderni degli appunti, dovrete essere motivati e concentrati per guadagnare i crediti formativi dell’officina di Leonardo.
L’espansione per Dungeonology: the Expedition, Officina di Leonardo, aggiunge le Zone del Dungeon di Leonardo al gioco, le quali permettono di esplorare il laboratorio del genio fiorentino; ma il fulcro di questa espansione è la nuova modalità Officina, in cui Leonardo scatenerà lo stesso Dungeon contro i malcapitati Studenti. In questo manuale sono inoltre contenute le regole per giocare in Team Versus qualsiasi partita di Dungeonology, permettendo ai giocatori di affrontarsi formando delle squadre.

A unique opportunity is about to be offered to some promising Scholars of the University of Rocca Civetta. The greatest inventor in the world, Leonardo Da Vinci, known for his extraordinary skills in all the arts and sciences, will offer an internship to the most deserving Scholars of the university, inviting them to spend time with him in his spectacular workshop.
But the gruff old genius won’t make life easy for our Scholars! In fact, he likes to put practice before theory, and has prepared a series of terrifying exams which will give participants lots of new knowledge, but – most likely – with lots of broken noses!
So, prepare your Scholars and your notebooks, because you will need to be motivated and focused to earn the training credits offered by the workshop of Leonardo!
Welcome to the University of Rocca Civetta, where a vacant chair must be filled.
In Dungeonology, you leave as students for the dungeon, with the aim of studying its residents. In this atypical Dungeon Crawler, you will not have to free the area from hordes of monsters, collecting treasures and magical weapons, but you will have to study the habits of those who live there, in order to submit your the thesis and become the new Dungeonology Professor.
Thanks to a fun card system you can go around the dungeon by pulling low blows on other Scholars while gathering valuable information.
With Leonardo’s Workshop expansion, you will be able to study in the laboratory of the genius Florentine, juggling between strange inventions and dangerous machinery. The dungeon, consisting of Leonardo’s house/workshop could only mirror his genius, as well as Mechalisa, a fantastical and delusional beautiful automaton.
This expansion for Dungeonology: the Expedition, adds the Zones of Leonardo’s Dungeon to the game, which allows you to explore the genius’s Florentine laboratory. The main focus of this expansion is the new Workshop mode, in which Leonardo will unleash the same Dungeon against the unfortunate Scholars. This rulebook also contains the Team Versus advanced rules, which allow players to face each other by forming teams in any Dungeonology game.
Once inside Leonardo’s mechanical workshop, the Scholars will face amazing contraptions and moving rooms as they try to collect the information necessary to obtain credits in the arts and sciences in which Leonardo is a master ... but it does not end there! Leonardo is unwilling to let his secrets out of the laboratory, and by revealing them, the Scholars will likely infuriate the genius, thus forcing him to unleash the fearsome Mechalisa!
Un’occasione irripetibile sta per essere data ad alcuni promettenti studenti dell’università di Rocca Civetta. Il più grande inventore del mondo, Leonardo Da Vinci, noto per le sue competenze straordinarie in tutte le arti e scienze, terrà uno stage formativo per i più meritevoli studenti dell’università, invitandoli a passare del tempo con lui nella sua spettacolare officina. Ma il vecchio e burbero genio non renderà la vita facile ai nostri studenti; egli infatti ama anteporre la pratica alla teoria, e ha preparato una serie di terrificanti esami dai quali i partecipanti usciranno con tante nuove conoscenze, e, probabilemente, con tante ossa rotte! Preparate quindi le vostre matricole e i quaderni degli appunti, dovrete essere motivati e concentrati per guadagnare i crediti formativi dell’officina di Leonardo.
L’espansione per Dungeonology: the Expedition, Officina di Leonardo, aggiunge le Zone del Dungeon di Leonardo al gioco, le quali permettono di esplorare il laboratorio del genio fiorentino; ma il fulcro di questa espansione è la nuova modalità Officina, in cui Leonardo scatenerà lo stesso Dungeon contro i malcapitati Studenti. In questo manuale sono inoltre contenute le regole per giocare in Team Versus qualsiasi partita di Dungeonology, permettendo ai giocatori di affrontarsi formando delle squadre.
Una volta entrati nell’officina meccanica dei Leonardo, gli Studenti dovranno affrontare mirabolanti marchingegni e incredibili stanze mobili, mentre cercheranno di raccogliere le informazioni necessarie ad ottenere crediti nelle scienze e nelle arti in cui Leonardo è maestro... ma non finisce qui! Leonardo non è ben disposto a far uscire i suoi segreti dal laboratorio, e, riuscendo a svelarli, gli Studenti lo faranno infuriare costringendolo a scatenare contro di loro la temibile Mechalisa!
BOX CONTENT: 1x Leonardo Boss Model, 1x Mechalisa Boss Model, 3x Boss Cards, 1x Notes/Hold Card, 1x Tancredi Scholar Model, 1x Tancredi Scholar Card, 1x Otto Card, 1x Otto Token, 3x Panic Cards, 5x Crabbot Models, 18x Mechanical Trick Cards, 3x Fate Trick Cards, 1x Intern Card, 16x Zone Tiles, 14x Mobile Zone Tiles, 8x Da Vincian Clan Cards, 6x Ranking Tokens, 12x Passage Tokens, 1x Reference Card, 1x Rulebook.
Languages: Italian, French, German